Stratford's waterfowl are itching to be on the water. Yesterday we dropped by their winter quarters to see how they were faring.
It seems that they have caught Spring fever. Maybe they have sensed that tomorrow, Easter Sunday, they will take part in the annual swan parade. With bagpipes on hand to announce the occasion, they will march proudly past the thousands of visitors who come to see this annual event. The scent of the water nearby is good reason to drop the winter lethargy and pick up speed as they march, or should I say 'waddle', along Morenz Drive to the freedom of the river. With a final burst of energy they will race the last few yards down the ramp and into the water.
For Stratford, the releasing of the swans is like the initiation rite of spring. After the last bird hits the water, the crowds who come to watch will make their way along the trail the runs by the river. It is like we heave a collective sigh of relief knowing that we have survived the Ontario winter. The swans are on the water and there is a communal sense that all is well.
Soon the swans who have found their lifelong mates will be busy preparing nests and before long we will witness once again the miracle of new life as cygnets and ducklings entertain us with their joie de vivre. Easter is indeed a season of new life, of new beginnings.
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