June 12
Strolling along Ontario Street, one of Stratford's main streets in the downtown core, my eye was caught by the beautiful hanging baskets by Watson's Bazaar. I paused to take a picture, thinking how fortunate we are to live in a town that values natural beauty to such an extent. The gardens here are phenomenal, as anyone who has traveled this way will know.
But this morning, as I lined up my photo, I became aware of the hanging sign, something I had never really noticed before. “Kids and dogs welcome”. That might not be so unusual if it were a pet supply store, but Watson's Bazaar specializes in fine china and other home décor. “Kids and dogs welcome!”
That is true Stratford hospitality in a nutshell. If you enter the store, you will discover three or four large cats lounging among the store displays, or wandering by to greet the shop visitors before going for another snooze. Obviously they must be pretty tolerant since their owner welcomes dogs and children into their presence.
Dave Bradshaw, the original owner of the store, passed away this January. If you dropped into the store in his latter years, you would often find him sitting in one of the carved wooden chairs near the front of the store, ready to greet his clients as he rested with his dog. Having been active in Stratford politics, and well known for his often humourous and sometimes sardonic letters to the editor, he was one of Stratford's flamboyant characters, almost an icon, one could say.
My Stratford! It is a place that welcomes cats and dogs amidst the china, a place that breathes originality, and adopts with pride those who march to their own drummer.
Hi Helen. I love Watson's Bazaar, although it has been a while since I graced the aisles. I remember the cats well. too. The first time I saw one there I thought he was an ornament - until he moved his tail! I love Stratford, too. I often slowed down to hear the bagpipers practising as I drove by the river on my way home to Drayton. Thanks for the memories. :)